Prices for 2025

The rental price (operating time of trains, including personell) depends on the duration of the ride and will – by default – be calculated from and to our tramway depot. The number of tramcars will be determined by the number of seats required.
Teh following combinations of wagons are possible:

Triebwagen am Gürtel

motorcar with 24 seats


Zweiwagenzug am Praterstern

motorcar + trailer with 48 seats

Two-car tramway

Dreiwagenzug wartet in Schleife

motorcar + 2 trailers with 72 seats

Three-car tramway

Operating times will be calculated by the minute according to the official schedule of the Wiener Linien (Vienna Traffic Lines).
We will calculate the duration of your tour in advance (e.g. 72 minutes) as a basis for fixed payment. Any occurring overtime during the actual tour will not be taken into account and remain free of charge.

Special Tramway Tours are available on business days from Monday to Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., and from 5 p.m. until the end of the official operating hours. Saturday, Sunday, and holidays all day. The stated hours refer to departure and arrival the the tramway depot Erdberg.

Request your personal offer online
or via phone at +43-1-786 03 01 or +43-1-786 03 03.

Interested in a Guided Tour Through the Tramway Depot?

A guided tour through the Traffic Museum Erdberg is possible for groups of up to 25 people per group.
A tour takes 1 to 1.5 hours and can put a thematic focus on requested topics. Click here for details.

Feel free to contact us via phone or 24/7 via e-mail at!

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    All revenue from our special tours with historic tramcars of the „Vienna Tramway Museum“ (Wiener Tramwaymuseum) collection and the museum shop will directly finance the considerable reconstruction, restoration, and maintenance expenses necessary to preserve the museum’s irreplaceable exhibits.